Category Archives: Bingo

Reaching Out

I’m reaching out to you when I miss you.

Playing With Sunshine

Light is the most important factor to photography. It is true. So, I’m gonna play with sunshine a little bit. Bingo was like, you’re not gonna play with anything without me.


I hate to tell Bingo that he can neither fly nor climb. The good news is, he can wait. The squirrel will get tired sooner or later. Most importantly, this is a palm tree. There’s only one way down. Jumping around the tree may be a good way to warm […]

New Portraits

Here are some new portraits of Bingo. Early this morning, I took him to Arcadia Park. It was cloudy, not enough light for motion picture with my gear(70-200 f4.0). I thought it may be a good time for some attractive portraits.


That’s the way Bingo expands his territory. First he takes a piss on the spot he wants, then kicks off the label as far as possible. Look at his determined eyes. He’s telling you, that spot is officially his. I’m so sorry for that tufts of grass…     

Bingo’s Fan Base

My ESL teacher advised me to build a fan base for my dog, Bingo. That’s really a good point, because he’s such a handsome boy! Here are some Instagram snapshots of Bingo lately.